Cupping Massage Therapy


Therapeutic Effects

  • Lymph Drainage
  • Loosen Adhesions
  • Release Deep Tissue Problems
  • Move Stagnation From Tissues & Digestive Systems
  • Relieve Inflammation
  • Stimulate Blood Flow
  • Sedate the Nervous System

Conditions that Respond to the Therapy

  • Asthma, Pneumonia and Other Respiratory System Conditions
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Diabetes
  • Bursitis, Tendonitis and Other Inflammatory Conditions
  • Planter Fasciitis
  • Chronic Pains
  • Scar Tissue
  • Pre- and Post-Surgery Conditions
  • Neuralgia and Rheumatism
  • Migraine and Chronic Headache
  • Sluggish Colon and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Stagnant Lymph and Edema
  • Anxiety and Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Cellulite
  • TMJ Dysfunction

After Care Information

  • Avoid any chill or draft or excessive heat for 4-6 hours after a cupping session.
  • Avoid hot showers, steam, sauna and exercise for 4-6 hours after a cupping session.
  • Drink plenty of water to hydrate the tissues.


According to Anita Shannon, a founder of ACE Massage Cupping™ and TheraCupping™ , “Solid Bloat” is a condition that affects a lot of us and that might be a key component of disease and degeneration, allergies and addictions, as well as obesity and toxicity.

She explains, “The physical formation of the deposits is simple; heat from inflamed tissue slowly dehydrates the surrounding lymph, which inhibits any further drainage.  Fascia fuses together from the heat and the congestion spreads through the upper tissues and skin surface.  This inflammation can come from a myriad of sources such as surgeries, injuries, chronic movement patterns, and even childhood diseases and exposure to toxicities… resulting in unidentified allergies."

How does cupping therapy help? Anita explains further, “The biggest impact is on the lymphatic system; the vacuum will open and create space, release old scars and fascial adhesions to create unimpeded drainage, and aid in decongestion of the lymph terminations in tissues.  As the cup glides over the skin and underlying tissue, the vacuum should open the flaps of the lymph micro-vessel in a wave-like motion.  This can help to dislodge trapped protein molecules that may have been blocking and open flap and gently triggers the entire lymphatic system.  Static placement of cups is not as beneficial in this type of bodywork, since leaving constant suction on one spot will draw congestion into an area.  A great example of this is how effective static placement of a cup is for pulling a cyst into an easily removable form of surgical procedures.” 

She continues, “Vacuum therapies use vascular dilation to bring heat to the area and liquefy the old lymph for easy movement, and use the same vascular dilation to eliminate the latent inflammation from the tissue and stop the cycle.  These techniques also assist by changing the PH and polarity of the tissue to create a healthy environment and allow healing.  They can affect even very old injuries and finally free the tissue or joint to function at optimal levels.

***Foot reflexology using magnetic micro cups or face massage using Face Lifting and Drainage micro cups are also available to be included in your massage therapy session.  Request them when you make your next appointment.  



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